Monday, October 11, 2010


My husband Josh and I created this blog a couple years ago. We planned on sharing the happenings in our life with family and friends. However, there were very few, mediocre posts and we just kind of let our blog die. I have wanted to really get this little blog up and going for some time now. I read many different blogs on a daily basis and they are all so interesting and have so much to offer their readers! There are so many very talented bloggers out there, it is kind of intimidating to start a blog! I mean some of these people have such a way with words! They are creative, have picture perfect houses, they wear trendy clothes, their hair is always perfect, their kids are adorable, they cook good food, do lots of fun things, are inspiring, ask good questions, etc… I am not sure that my blog will be as great as all of theirs, but I do hope you will check back here often as I build my blog! You can expect to read posts about my family, our life, recipes, crafts and some other random fun things I will participate in by linking up to other blogs! I will also be adding more info to the side bars of my blog once I figure out how!