Monday, October 11, 2010


My husband Josh and I created this blog a couple years ago. We planned on sharing the happenings in our life with family and friends. However, there were very few, mediocre posts and we just kind of let our blog die. I have wanted to really get this little blog up and going for some time now. I read many different blogs on a daily basis and they are all so interesting and have so much to offer their readers! There are so many very talented bloggers out there, it is kind of intimidating to start a blog! I mean some of these people have such a way with words! They are creative, have picture perfect houses, they wear trendy clothes, their hair is always perfect, their kids are adorable, they cook good food, do lots of fun things, are inspiring, ask good questions, etc… I am not sure that my blog will be as great as all of theirs, but I do hope you will check back here often as I build my blog! You can expect to read posts about my family, our life, recipes, crafts and some other random fun things I will participate in by linking up to other blogs! I will also be adding more info to the side bars of my blog once I figure out how!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Disney World Pictures

Here are a few pictures from our trip to Disney World in February.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

It's Official....

It's official! We are the worlds WORST bloggers! We are going to *attempt* to be more exciting bloggers and to update much more frequently!

Life is good around here! We went camping last weekend and have another trip planned this weekend. Last weekend we went with my Mom, Dan and Tommy to Rampart Reservoir and had such a good time. It was a bit chilly and night but so fun. Next weekend we are going to Rocky Mountain National Park near Estes Park with one of Josh's friends, his girlfriend and her daughter. I am super glad summer is here and the weather is getting nice!

Karlee is doing great. She got braces on last month and turns 9 years old on the 25th. I don't know where time goes and it is mind boggling to me that she is already so old! She gets out of school next Wednesday and is looking forward to a long summer. We enrolled her in a charter school next year and she doesn't go back until September 21st. She is a little sad to say goodbye to some of her friends, but is excited to get a better education and to be challenged more and go to school where my Mom teaches. We think it is a great opportunity for her and feel blessed she is able to go!

Izabella is doing wonderful as well. She turns 3 in September. She is learning so much new stuff everyday and we are hoping to be able to enroll her in preschool this fall. At times she can be a bit strong willed, but all in all is super sweet and funny. She had been begging us for a few months now and we finally caved and let her get her ears pierced a couple of weeks ago. She is definitely a girly girl, she loves to go shopping, dress up, have her nails painted etc...

Josh says to say that he looks good in a green shirt and is happy...... LOL Work is good and he is excited for summer.... he says that he will update tomorrow himself!

I am doing good. I quit my job doing daycare in April and I am cherishing my time how with my kids without other kids here. I think we are all a lot happier now. This will be the first summer in a long time that I haven't worked and I am so excited to make the most of it. I just finished a cake class and am thinking of taking the second course. It was a lot of fun, I learned a lot and it was nice to get out of the house alone and do something for myself. I have been spending a lot of time playing outside with Izabella (Karlee is in school) and working in my yard. Hooray for summer!

Now that I have somewhat updated, hopefully we will post little tidbits of our daily life here soon! Hopefully we still have some readers!

Saturday, November 8, 2008


Gosh we are slackers! We haven't blogged in forever. =/ We keep meaning too and then don't. I have had loads of pictures on my camera that needed downloaded, which when you wait too long is quite a chore! We promise to blog more! Please come back readers!

I promise I will add pictures from the last couple of months within the next few days. I will post pictures of Izabella's birthday, Halloween, the pumpkin patch, park, etc...

Other than being extremely busy, things have been going pretty good. We have had some stressful events, but things seem to be looking up. =)

Josh has been super busy and stressed with work and I have been busy with the kids, daycare and other everyday stuff! Karlee is doing great and is enjoying school and Izabella is being Izabella.

Last night my Mom and Dan kept both of the girls overnight! Only the second time we have ever left Izabella and she loved it!. They both had a GREAT time and it was nice to have some alone time without the kids! We did some shopping and browsing in Castle Rock and then went to the mall and to the Cheesecake Factory for dinner. We were going to go to a movie but we were too tired (I took the girls to the zoo yesterday) so we went home and played dominoes instead!

Today was exhausting. Greg and Dixie were super nice and came over and helped us out all day. We painted our entire first floor! It looks awesome! I will try to take some pictures tomorrow. We have two green walls (the color of the inside of an avocado) and the rest is a medium brownish color with the exception of the kitchen that is a beige with one green wall. It looks like a different house! We were so back and forth on the paint colors and I was down right scared, but it came out great! After we were done with the painting and put the furniture back, Josh went to work. I am feeling pretty awful for him! He was going to get their at 4am tomorrow, but decided to go in this evening and is planning on working until 2am or 3am. Thanks again Greg and Dixie for your help painting, we couldn't have done it without you, and thank you Mom for taking Karlee to her friends party across town! =)

Friday, September 12, 2008

Cross Your Fingers!

I went to the doctor again today for a follow up and we have decided to start fertility treatments in a couple of weeks. If you could cross your fingers or say a prayer for us, we would really appreciate it! =) I am nervous, but excited all at the same time! This will hopefully aid us in getting our baby we so desperately want! For those of you who don't know, I was officially diagnosed with PCOS a year ago and Josh was just diagnosed with fertility issues as well last month. We aren't using potent fertility drugs, but are using Clomid combined with sperm washing and IUI. Anyway, hopefully this wasn't too much information! We are just really excited that we are finally moving in the direction we want to move in after 21 months of trying to have another baby!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

New Pictures!

Hi! Anyone still out there? We are really slacking at this blogging thing. We have been super busy and haven't found the time to update!

Karlee started 3rd grade last Thursday and is loving it! She is so excited to be back in school. She spends most of her days playing with her friends (and well school now of course!). There are pictures in the post below, just click on the over sized picture and it will take you to the album in our Photobucket account. =)

Izabella is doing good, talking and repeating everything and starting to talk in sentences, she is getting really excited for her birthday and for Halloween! She decided on her own that she wants to be a "Ballerina Dolly", so ballerina it is, now I just have to decide on a tutu for her! Karlee keeps saying she isn't dressing up and she would go trick-or-treating, but only if she can wear her clothes... she likes to be dramatic, can you tell? I told her I think she should be a fairy!

We had a busy weekend with all kinds of relatives in town and my Grandparents 50th Anniversary party. It was a good time! I will post some pictures of the girls before we left the house in a day or two. Speaking of my Grandparents, my Grandma was diagnosed with lung cancer. =( She is going in to have surgery again this Thursday to have her lower left lung removed, any and all prayers would be appreciated!

Josh has been busy at work again and I have been staying busy with our girls, daycare and house stuff. We are still trying to find renters for our other house, which is getting very stressful, it is no fun doing repairs and having to pay 2 mortgages. Our old tenants bailed and owe us thousands of dollars and it has been vacant now for 20 something days, and totally bad timing. Someone came and looked at it today, but I am not sure if it will work out for us to wait for them (money wise). I have someone else coming to look tomorrow afternoon, so please keep your fingers crossed for us that they will take it and sign a lease and pay the security deposit (we are now offering the first months rent free to try and get someone moved in).

Anyway, that is about it for now! Feel free to click the picture in the link below to see pictures of Karlee's first day of school and a couple goofy ones of Izabella! Hope everyone is doing well!


Josh's Cake and Karlee's First Day of 3rd Grade!

Photobucket Album